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Weeks of Decluttering paid off

Published: April 4, 2023

I worked every day for 8 weeks at the Declutter 2023 project.  It worked!  I was able to transform my cluttered home to a nice place to live with SPACE!  I am not finished; Wave 2 is coming.

I learned a lot during the declutter process, and started a site about it.  The site is actually a system I plan to market later this year - to kick off new years resolutions in 2024.  An Arist's Take at decluttering.  I haven't seen it anywhere; there are tons of systems out there - marketed heavily, but I haven't seen one that is geared towards artists/creativie types or seen one that has an app associated with it.

Yes, an app.

I wrote an app to help organize one's tasks and their progress.  The free one which will come with a 'basic' membership has canned tasks a person can use.  The paid version will enable the member to customize the tasks, such as John's bedroom vs. 2nd bedroom or something like that, and the specific hot spot areas of their homes as tasks, instead of generic ones, like closet 1 closet 2 etc.  The paid version will also have access to more material (which I have to create) and podcasts.  

So that's what is going on - plus a flurry of the usual creativity raining down on me.  Music is my current selection, and I'm sure there will be more on that coming up.