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My Star Atlas I created circa 1978

Published: April 25, 2015

Way back when I was about 13 or 14 (I wish I had put the year), my friend, Douglas, and I would get together and study the skies.  We decided to make our own star atlases. 

Here it is.

We would get together every Sunday afternoon and hand draw our atlases.  I remember I penciled it first and then went over it with ink.  I was using Norton's Star Atlas as my guide and a grid behind the copy I was working with - I believe I used a light table.  I was very exact.  I ran across it in my file cabinet this morning and decided it deserved to be digitized.  The front cover had a label originally in the window that read "Marian's Star Atlas" and I drew some stars and a swoop.  I guess I'll make one for it but it won't be as quaint as my hand drawn one.  But perhaps if I dig through my file drawer, I'll find it!  Fun memories...