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The Eclipse

Published: May 20, 2012

This was cool!  I wish I had known about it a few months ago - I would have arranged to go to a place not so far from here to see the total eclipse.

This was cool!  I wish I had known about it a few months ago - I would have arranged to go to a place not so far from here to see the total eclipse.

Takes me back to 1979 when my friend Doug and I were waiting for this eclipse to happen back then, and when the day came, it was going to rain.  We asked our parents and they let us charter a cessna to go above the clouds to see it.  No plane was necessary this year but we talked about it via email.  :-)

It was eerie - the light got very dim and 'sepia toned.'  Looked like an old movie for a while...I wish it had been in the middle of the day as it would have had a more pronounced effect - but I'll take what nature gives me when I get to see something like this...

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